Vlbg Museumswelt Tabak

Vorarlberger Museumswelt, Frastanz

Electricity Museum - State Fire Brigade Museum - Rescue Museum - Hunting Museum - Tobacco Museum - Grammophonicum

The Vorarlberg Museum World in the town of Frastanz is a one-of-a-kind museum project in the region. On the grounds of the former Ganahl Textile Company there are at present six different museums and collections dealing with various topics, all under one roof. After its final completion the Museum World will have a total seven museums. The Museum of Electrotechnology was the first museum to be opened, in 1998. It displays an old hydroelectric power facility with historic marble control panel. In addition, historical developments in the field of electricity are presented, including the story of electricity from its production to its final use by the consumer, with various exhibit objects.

In the Hunting Museum visitors are invited to have a closer look at current challenges on the hunting scene in Vorarlberg. The State Firefighting Museum and the Emergency Rescue Services Museum are further independent facilities within the museum grounds. Especially the vehicle collection hall, in the former wool mill, can be enjoyed by the whole family. The history of tobacco farming and consumption is elaborated in the Tobaccco Museum, which opened in 2017. The newest addition to the museum landscape is the Grammophonicum, a visual and acoustic panoramic exhibit portraying the early history and development of phonographic technology. Each individual museum in this complex can be experienced with the assistance of an expert guide.

Bodensee-Vorarlberg Freizeitkarte

Bodensee-Vorarlberg Leisure Card

  • Admission to more than 50 excursion destinations
  • Free by bus and train
  • Savings start from two trips