Neustadt Feldkirch Blick Schattenburg

Tour of the region’s cities

Bregenz, Feldkirch, Dornbirn and Hohenems – discover four different cities

A great holiday is when you’re enjoying fantastic food and getting to see and experience lots. The Bodensee-Vorarlberg region, which welcomes its guests with varied landscapes, culinary highlights and a great sense of culture, lies at the southernmost tip of Lake Constance. The four cities of Bregenz, Dornbirn, Hohenems and Feldkirch are all to be found close together, yet they’re all different. And it’s great to take them all in on a city tour. The tours help visitors discover the must-see sights there.


The four cities of the Bodensee-Vorarlberg region

The cosmopolitan heart of the provincial capital of Bregenz, located in the direct vicinity of Lake Constance, exerts a magnetic pull on people who love culture. It boasts an ultimate feeling of more, particularly during the summer, with its festivals on the lake, its old town and the countryside that surrounds it.

Its neighbouring city of Dornbirn is one of the most popular starting points for all kinds of leisure activities, be it a stroll through the market or a hike on the Karren. The city is surrounded by green and is just as good for relaxing in the fresh air as it is for a bit of leisurely shopping.

Hohenems is located a little farther south. This is a city that’s able to look back on a lively history and is one of the most important witnesses of Jewish history. The sympathetic renovation of the historic Marktgasse and the Jewish district make Hohenems a centre for vibrant cultural life.

With its medieval core and Schattenburg Castle, Feldkirch is just as exciting and multi-faceted where its history is concerned. It’s the ideal place to go on an architectural trip through time as well as on culinary excursions.

Molo ©Christiane Setz - visitbregenz (2)
Blick von der Schattenburg auf Feldkirch