Architects cukrowicz|nachbaur
The use of plastic bottles and earth plaster, or how to add a modern museum on top of a building listed as a historic monument, was the task for the reconstruction of the Vorarlberg state museum. "The museum contains Roman vessels, up to 10,000 copies of which were manufactured in one firing", says Anton Nachbaur. "So this is real mass production. We asked ourselves what the equivalent would be nowadays. That's how we hit on the idea of the plastic bottles that you see everywhere." These now decorate the facade of the new part, which opens onto Kornmarktplatz, whilst the historically preserved part remains facing the lake, without the plastic bottles. Inside, thick earth plaster walls and untreated wooden floors convey a natural atmosphere. This building is not a conventional state museum in terms of its contents or its aesthetics.
Award: 7. Vorarlberger Hypo-Bauherrenpreis 2015 (Winner of the 7th Vorarlberg Hypo Developers' Prize in 2015)
